On The Run - November 2019

Runner of the Month: Dee

By Noreene Matsuda and Dee

Dee grew up in RiversideCounty and spent most of her life in Southern California. After high school,she received her undergraduate degree from Biola University, and her graduatedegrees from Loma Linda University and Texas Tech. She now enjoys a rewarding career as a speech-language pathologist.

Since 2010, she has been running off and on andused to run on the treadmill or at the track, but she didn’t find it enjoyable.Then, she joined a running club in 2013 and discovered how awesome it was torun outdoors with other runners. In 2017, she joined SCRR and has beenregularly attending most of our club runs and races, as well as social events.Dee’s most recent running achievement was at the Surf City 10, where she ranher very first 10K and did very well.

Dee running in the Lexus Lace Up race

Now for something different! I asked Dee to come upwith her top 10 accomplishments for 2019 and top 10 goals for 2020 – notnecessarily about running. Credit goes to Lisa Eiler and KirstenHirneisen for creating this format in January 2016, when Lisa was ROTM.

Top 10 Accomplishments for 2019 (in no particularorder)

  1. Increased my weekly running distance
  2. Ran my first 10K
  3. Visited Vienna for the first time
  4. Went to my first baseball game
  5. Visited the gallery of Peter Lik, one of my favorite photographers
  6. Drove partway across the country
  7. Published an article
  8. Spent more time with family
  9. Had more weekend R&R
  10. Will be presenting at a conference in November

Dee at a restaurant

Top 10 goals for 2020 (in no particular order)

  1. Improve my PR for a 5K
  2. Run my second half-marathon
  3. Maintain or even improve work/life balance
  4. Visit a new country
  5. Take on a new role in a professional organization
  6. Reorganize my closets
  7. Get more involved at my church
  8. Do more leisurely reading
  9. Sleep more
  10. Contentment

Congratulations, Dee!

Destination Race: St George Marathon

By Sarah Lee

Before there were the Jack n’ Jill and REVEL races, the St.George Marathon with its 2500 foot net drop was long sought after by runners tonail a PR or BQ.  When I first joined theclub in 2014, it seemed like everybody talked about this race.  It had been on my bucket list for a long timepartly because I’ve always wanted the unique medal that look like a polished stone.

Sarah Lee with her mom in Utah

It’s a small town race but extremely well-run after 43 years.  Bib pick-up and the small expo were standardbut it was the pasta dinner that impressed on me that this race runs like awell-oiled machine.  The dinner providesyou with the basics and you don’t have to scramble around the small towncompeting with 4000 other runners for a place to carb load.  The wooden table settings of the race logowere a nice touch but I was just blown away when I noticed the volunteers’T-shirts.  The ones working the pastadinner actually said “PASTA” on it.  WTF??They label their volunteers?  The onlything I thought was odd was that the gear check bags came in differentcolors.   I figured they were just using up leftover bagsfrom years past.

Sarah Lee at the St George Marathon Expo

It’s a point-to-point race and they shuttle you to the startin the Pine Valley mountains.  It’s pitchblack at that hour, so it was a nice surprise to get off the bus and see thousandsof Christmas lights lining the path to the start area.  There were dozens of flags which I think wereto represent the 49 states and other countries the participants came from.  Most are from Utah; California is the nextmost represented state.  There were agazillion port-a-potties and several campfires to keep warm. 

They advertised a wave start but I experienced a self-seededmass start.  I saw the 4:20 pacer andwalked forward until I couldn’t walk forward anymore (without asking people tomove).  Once the race started, I naturallysettled in with the 3:35 pace group.  Training for this race had been a littlespotty.  My tune up race (Surf City 10miler) was disappointing.  I tweaked myfoot the week before.  I had to adjusttime goals and was now “stretching” for a sub-3:30.  A key to this race is patience early on sothat you can take advantage of the latter half when the course drops more.  The 3:35 pacers banked time in the first downhillseven miles in preparation for the uphill portion between miles 7 and 11.  I had to work to keep up but it wasn’t astruggle. I stayed with the group until mile 11 and then kind of “let the legsrun.”  I only felt myself really pushingthe last 2-3 miles (as the course drops less) but thankfully never felt dead.  I was elated to cross the finish with a chiptime of 3:25 (1:45 first half, 1:40 second half)!

Sarah Lee running the St George Marathon

Not only is it a fast course, it’s gorgeous.  You start in pitch blackness and get to watchthe sunrise illuminate the mountains.  Ieasily got into a zone and ticked off the miles.  There are plenty of aid stations/bathroomsand encouraging volunteers.   Thepost-race stuff was excellent as well. My favorite snack was the thick slice of fresh bread slathered withbutter.  But my MOST favorite thing everwas drop bag recovery.  As I was walkingup into the area, I heard someone call out my number.  Just as I had arrived, they tossed me my bag.  The mystery of the different-colored dropbags was solved.  They were color-codedaccording to bib number so the bags were easier to sort and arrange!  WOW—mind blown!  St. George-- the most organized race I haveever run and an overall great running experience. 

Monthly Club Race: Terrifying 10-Miler and Halloween 5K/10K

By Sherri Ellerby

SCRR had very impressive results at the Terrifying Ten races in Dana Point.  There were so many overall and division winners in the club that I know I’ll unintentionally leave someone out if I attempt to list them all here.  But here are some of them:

Mike Friedl not only took 3rd overall in the 10K, but he and his son Luke Friedl won their age divisions. Ryan Vieau did an amazing feat of running in his motocross costume and still won 1st in his division for the 10K.  SCRR took all of the overall places from 3rd-8th in the 5K! 3. Justin Tolentino 4. Mike Connors 5. Ken Atterholt 6. Steve Ireland (actually, tied with Ken Atterholt) 7. Sherri Ellerby 8. Sue Zilhmann. Then Michael Tang was 10th and Luke Friedl was 12th. Wow!  As masters runners, Sue and I were very surprised (and happy) to take the top two overall places in the 5K. In the 10-mile race Mike Dietz was our fastest runner taking 6th overall and 1st in his division, followed by Mike Bertram, winning his division and taking 9th overall with a perfect 8:00 pace time of 1:20:00.  Anyone who finished that truly Terrifying Ten Mile race should earn a giant bag of Halloween candy!

The hilly course was painful and challenging for all three race distances: 5K, 10K, and 10 miles. But the cool temperature and cloud cover helped to make up a little for the brutality of the hills. Prior to running the actual race, Sue Zihlmann and I discussed that due to so much climbing, all you can really do is focus on effort rather than glance at your watch and attempt to hit certain paces. So that’s what I did. I never once looked at my watch during the 5K. I also knew better than to look over my shoulder to see how close Sue was to me as we made the most of the downhills on the way back to the beautiful finish line overlooking Salt Creek Beach. The name of this race certainly fit the course. Those unforgiving hills were absolutely terrifying to our legs and lungs!

First Marathon: Long Beach

By Justin Kennedy

  • Final Time: 4:14:05
  • Place: 553/1761
  • Class (M25-29): 73/183

My Goals:

  • Primary: Finish
  • Secondary: 4:22:00

Justin Kennedy at the Long Beach Marathon Expo

One year ago I started from the couch running 5Ks at at 36 minute pace. In November 2018 I finished my first 10K. In June I finished my first half marathon, Rock-n-Roll San Diego (2:09:45). Immediately after San Diego, I looked up the closest marathon in a reasonable time frame which happened to be Long Beach. It was around this time I met Michelle Ren, who convinced me to join SCRR, and I started following the Hal Higdon Novice 1 schedule.

I dropped 40 lbs from Sept 2018 to March 2019 and kept that weight steady until today. I incorporated weight lifting back into my workouts and built muscle that maintained my weight. I go to the gym 4 days/week and run 4 days/week, with workouts totaling 6 days/week. I tried as much as possible to do Saturdays with SCRR, but sometimes I ran the long runs Sunday. The 20 mile long run, I did by racing the Surf City 10 Sundown with a 10 mile warm-up.

The Long Beach, CA marathon has some mixed reviews. Most negative reviews are mostly due to the lack of crowds, the hill at Cal State Long Beach (mile 18), and the weather can be difficult (SoCal heat). We got lucky with the weather, a sunny but cooler day today with highs at 75. The crowds were small, admittedly, but I wouldn't say I missed them. My music kept me company.

Justin Kennedy with his marathon medal

My splits for the most part were:

  • Miles 1-16: 9:15
  • Miles 16-21: 9:30
  • Miles 21-26.2: 11:10

So I went into the race hoping for a 4:22 pace. Felt good for 10 miles and figured I might be able to get as close to 4:00 as possible. I PR'd my Half marathon at 1:59:49. :) I hit the wall and never recovered at mile 21. Trying to last minute change my goal and running too fast in the start hurt, but that's what a lack of experience and discipline will do. Still, finishing and beating my original goal was nice! I plan on running around 2 marathons a year.

P.S. I already put my name in for Chicago 2020.

Social Event: Oktoberfest Party

Thank you to Lillian, Mike, and Maui for hosting the annual Oktoberfest Party!

Mike and Lillian Bertram with Maui the dog

Recipe Corner: Easy Apple Crisp

By Amy Katz

Apple Crisp is delicious on its own or topped with ice cream or whipped cream. It’s the perfect fall dessert featuring tender sweet-tart apples and a crispy brown sugar oat topping.

This recipe originally appeared on Veggies Save The Day.

Serves 4

Easy Apple Crumble


For the filling:

  • 2 cups apples, peeled and sliced (I used Honeycrisp)
  • 2 teaspoons organic sugar
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon cornstarch
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon

For the topping:

  • 1 cup gluten-free quick oats, (not instant) divided
  • 1 pinch salt
  • 6 Tablespoons organic brown sugar
  • 2 Tablespoons coconut oil, at room temperature


  1. Heat the oven to 400° F.
  2. Combine the filling ingredients in a mixing bowl and set aside.
  3. Grind 1/2 cup of the oats in a food processor until it forms a coarse flour.
  4. In a small bowl, combine the oat flour with the remaining 1/2 cup of oats and the rest of the crumble topping ingredients. Mix until well combined.
  5. Spoon the filling into a 24 ounce or larger baking dish.
  6. Spread the crumble topping over the filling.
  7. Bake for 30 to 40 minutes until heated through and lightly browned on top.

Notes: Leftover crisp can be covered and refrigerated for 3 days. Reheat it in a microwave or oven or enjoy it at room temperature. You can also make this apple dessert in advance. Bake it as stated in the recipe, then cover and reheat it when you’re ready to serve.

Treasurer's Report

By David Paul

Total Cash Balance, Beginning  5096.90
Cash Inflows 271.84
Cash Outflows-First Thursday 304.85
Cash Outflows-RRCA Insurance
Cash Outflows-Banquet
Cash Outflows-Uniforms
Cash Outflows-Social Gatherings
Cash Outflows-Other
Net Change in Cash   -33.01
Total Cash Balance, Ending 5063.89


On The Run - December 2019


On The Run - October 2019